Saturday, August 30, 2014

Always In-Service

As we eagerly anticipate "opening day" in schools across the country this week, schools are engaged in spring training of sorts. For several days already, educators the world over have been engrossed in nearly non-stop workshops, pedagogical discussions, lesson planning and technology development in preparation for the new school year. We often call these sessions "teacher in-service."
From the perspective of many, the beauty of education is in the summer vacation. Oftentimes, people compare and contrast various professions, yet always marvel at this perk educators have. Although it is certainly true that the summer is an invaluable advantage, there is more than meets the eye. Enter the world of an educator. While many professionals frequently burn the midnight oil (and we certainly require the services of every profession), educators seem to be on-call all the time. During the year, class time is just the beginning. Between the weekend review and lesson planning, the early evening parent communications, the late night marking and grading, the mid and end semester reports, and the whirlwind of constant training and special evening events, educators fill their time with one common goal - enable their dear students to grow as learners, citizens and contributors to the world around them. In short, they are in-service all the time for the betterment of society.
As we kick-off the new school year and greet our precious students with a warm smile, we cannot help but be filled with a sense of deep appreciation and gratitude for educators who are now rejuvenated and ready to continue their art of inspiring the next generation of leaders. May their refreshed energy fuel the next ten months of unparalleled learning, while guiding our students to achieve the greatest results and reaching their potential. 

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